its the people that i miss most (&ribs)


Google created this collage for me and I love it. It was my last Sunday at OCBF before leaving for Shanghai. Church will look so different when I come back to Dallas. I listen to Pastor Evans sermons via Tony Evans App or YouTube daily!

Faith and I talked about GOG getaway – she prayed with me before I left. She has such a sweet spirit and I am thankful we were able to connect before I left.

Chimeka means so much to me. Meeting her has changed my life! She is so gracious, so loving, and so caring. She is transparent and loves really hard. We sat and talked before I left on her “row” in the sanctuary and the emotions that were felt. Sometimes you don’t know the impact you have made on someone until something big happens like a move, or a graduation, or some career advancement. Chimeka has been a part of my journey. With Grad school, me applying for work overseas and her not wanting me to go, but believing in my need and desire to go, my relationship with Kingston, and just building a solid relationship. I am so thankful for your presence in my life! I love you forever and a day cousin. I miss our #SundayCousinSelfie pictures….



I am excited about life! I am filled with Hope. I am overwhelmed with JOY!

I am going to do my best to live by the ‘Glad Texts’

(one of my favorites is–Psalms 98:4) — Did you know that there are over 800 Glad Texts in the Bible?!?! More than one for each day of the year for me to live by.

#FearlessinShanghai #KMarieTakesChina #BlackGirlMagic #KarlaGirlLivingLife #BlackGirlJoy #LivingMyLifeLikeItsGolden #ChinaorBust #ChinaAintReady #BlackInShanghai #LookOutWorldHereComesKarla  #KarlaGirlJoy #BlackGirlInShanghai

“life is either a daring adventure or nothing at all”  – Hellen Keller

*I choose ADVENTURE*


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